Chinese Taoism

Taoism, also known as Daoism, was founded by Zhao Daoling in the Han Dynasty, but Lao Zi was the creator of this religion. Taoism is a genuinely Chinese religion. Some hold the opinion that without understanding it, there can be no understanding of Chinese culture. 

Crestor of Taoism
Lao Zi was the crestor of Taoism. According to the Shi Ji, or Records of the Historian, by Sima Qian , Lao Zi was named Li Er, with Dan as his alias. He was a reputed thinker around 6th century B.C. There are many legends about Lao Zi but few historical records. He left a 5, 000-word book and went on his ox from Hangu Pass and to where nobody knows! Lao Zi's 5,000 words are rather concise compared to his profound ideological system but there were numerous books interpreting the true meaning of his book.


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