Trains between Guangzhou and Zhangjiajie

As travelling between Guangzhou and Zhangjiajie by train takes a little long on the road, it is suggest to take a over-night train, so that you can have a good rest on the train and save time for sightseeing during the day. In this page, we offer Guangzhou - Zhangjiajie train information, as well as some other tips for travelling to Guangzhou and Zhangjiajie for your reference.

Train from Guangzhou to Zhangjiajie

Departure Station: Guangzhou Railway Station
Arrival Station: Zhangjiajie Railway Station

Train No.

Departure Time

Arrival Time

Running Time




12 h 54 min




17 h 16 min




14 h 23 min

Train from Zhangjiajie to Guangzhou

Departure Station: Zhangjiajie Railway Station
Arrival Station: Guangzhou Railway Station

Train  No.

Departure  Time

Arrival Time

Running Time




14 h 54 min




18 h 10 min




14 h 54 min

Travel Tips
1. Train Schedule above is for your reference only. Please check the ticket information including the tickets fares at the railway station.
2. Booking an original train is easier than booking a passing-by train. Train ticket can be booked 20 days in advance at most. 

Zhangjiajie in northwestern Hunan Province is like a natural labyrinth. Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie has been included in the World Heritage List and appraised as a national 5A scenic area. The master work of nature in Wulingyuan features thousands of sheer mountain peaks in red color, clear streams and primeval forests, which are ideal havitats of rare animals and birds.
Three must-see places in Zhangjiajie City are: Zhangjiajie National Forest Park (Wulingyaun Scenic Area), Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon and Tianmen Mountain. Here we list top attractions in Zhangjiajie City as below:

Wulingyuan Scenic Area Tianmen Mountain Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge
Wulingyuan Scenic Area Tianmen Mountain Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon
Yellow Dragon Cave Baofeng Lake Park Tujia Ethnic Customs Park
Guangzhou, the capital city of Guangdong Province, is nicknamed the City of Goat. As a city of historic and cultural significance, it is the largest industrial and commercial city and the largest important and export port in South China. It enjoys a humid climate all year around, and flowers blossom in all four seasons, hence its another nickname "the City of Flowers".

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