Hong Kong-Guilin High Speed Train

High speed trains G311/312 are running between Hong Kong West Kowloon Station and Guilin West Station, serving passengers traveling from Hong Kong to Guilin and from Guilin to Hong Kong. The travel time is around 3 hours and the ticket price is CNY 379 for a second class seat.
Facts of Hong Kong - Guilin High Speed Trains
Open time: September 23, 2018
Overall travel time: Around 3 hours
Distance: About 586 kilometers (364 miles)
Top speed: 200 km/h (124 mph) in HK, 300 km/h (186 mph) in Mainland
Ticket fare: CNY 379 for a second class seat
Operated at: Hong Kong West Kowloon Railway Station, Guilin West Railway Station
Hong Kong to Guilin High Speed Train Schedule (Last Update on Mar 31, 2020)
Train No. |
Departure - Arrival |
Travel Time |
G312 |
12:05 - 15:25 |
3h20m |
G320 |
14:53 - 18:07 |
3h14m |
Guilin to Hong Kong High Speed Train Schedule (Last Update on Mar 31, 2020)