Wear Tujia or Miao costumes in Feanghuang

Fenghuang County is a home of Chinese ethnic minorities. By the end of 2018, it has a total population of 431,000, amon of them, Miao has a total population of  254,700,  Tujia  has  a total population of  75,000.

There are more than one hundred Miao costumes. The color and decoration of Miao men's clothing are more monotonous, which is not as bright and rich as Miao women's clothing. Miao Women's clothing is divided into casual clothing and special clothing. Casual clothes are usually worn clothes, whose colors and patterns are not as bright as  special clothing. And the  special clothing is used for weddings or during festivals.

The structural style of Tujia costumes is based on the principle of frugality and practicality. It is not as cumbersome as Miao costumes, it is loose and simple in structure, but it pays attention to details.

Inside Fenghuang Ancient City, on the walkways of both sides of Tuojiang River, you can easily find some locals holding some sets of bright Tujia or Miao costumes. They will greet you and ask you to rent their national costumes for photos taking. The rent for each suit is only 10 yuan.

The rental of clothing is not expensive, Whether you are a foreigner or a Chinese, it is not easy for a person to reach Phoenix town. It is a decent thing for most tourists to rent and wear Tujia or Miao costume for picture taking in the beautiful Phoenix ancient city because it will give them unforgettable memories.

All my friends!  If you travel in Fenghuang Ancient Town, please put on Tujia or Miao national costumes to show your beauty,  and take pictures in the beautiful ancient city.

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