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Zuojiang Leaning Tower

Zuojiang Tower.jpgChongzuo Leaning Tower, also known as the Guilong Pagoda or the Zuojiang Leaning Tower, is located on the Shantoushan Island, 3 km northeast of Chongzuo City,Guangxi Province.The tower was built in 1621 by Li Yongmei,the former official of Chongzuo Prefecture. At that time, it was built in three layers. In 1629 during the Qing Dyansty (1645-1911), the official of Chongzuo,Xu Yue, added two floors so as to make it become a five-story rick octagonal tower with a diameter of 5 at the bottom, and a height of 18.28 meters.

The spiral brick ladder in the tower is spiraled counterclockwise to the top layer. The person walks on the ladder and has a strong sense of inclination. According to experts' research, it is designed by the tower craftsmen to take into consideration the factors such as the wind and foundation of the river during the construction of the tower. The whole pagoda of the structure of the mountain is stable and harmonious. It has been repeatedly washed by the floods, and it has been hit by the sun and the wind. It still stands still, which shows the wisdom of the ancient Chinese people's building technology.

The sloping pagoda is rare in the world, and it is even more spectacle located in the middle of the vortex of the Zuojiang river. It is known as one of the Eight Great Leaning Towers of the world with Suzhou Tiger Hill Tower, Liaoning Yuzhong Tower, Shanghai Songjiang Protected Pearl Tower, Hubei Dangyang Tower, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy, Kendo Tower, and the Parliament Building of the British Parliament.

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Add:Aotou island, Zuojiang River,Jiangzhou District,Chongzuo City,Guangxi Province

Entrance Fee: CNY 10 

Opening Hours: 08;00-18:00

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