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Train Timetable between Guilin and Sanjiang

Train between Guilin and SanjiangNowadays,it is very easily to travel from Guilin to Sanjiang by train. Around 20 pairs of high speed trains are available for passengers running from Guilin to Sanjiang or from Sanjiang to Guilin. It takes around 0.5 - 1 hour to finish a total distance of around 87 - 107 kilometers (54 - 66 miles). The ticket price for a second class seat is around CNY 21 - 39.5.

Train to Sanjiang from Guilin

Duration: Around 0.5 - 1 hour
Distance: Around 87 - 107 kilometers (54 - 66 miles)
Top speed: 300 km/h (186 mph)
Operated at: Guilin / Guilin West / Guilin North Railway Station, Sanjiang South Railway Station
Major station along the way: Wutong

Guilin to Sanjiang (update on Feb 15th, 2019)

Nos. Departure Arrival Duration
G2942 08:10 08:43  33M
D3572 10:39 11:31  52M
D2812 12:46 13:19  33M
D2972  16:39 17:12 33M
G2950 18:28 19:01 33M

Around 20 departures in total: departure time from 08:10 to 19:54; duration from 33M to 58M.

Sanjiang to Guilin (update on Feb 15, 2019)

Nos. Departure Arrival Duration
D2813 10:50  11:23 33M
G2941 11:17 11:52 33M
D1863 12:50 13:23 33M
D2975 17:36 18:10 34M
D2841  19:53 20:26 33M

Over 20 departures in total: departure time from 09:09 to 20:32; duration from 33M to 1H7M.
Note: The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.

Guilin - Sanjiang High Speed Train Ticket Fare

Business Class Seat First Class Seat Second Class Seat
CNY 103 CNY 46 - 65 CNY 27.5 - 39.5


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