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When to visit Longji Terraces?

Longji Terraces, known as "the Dragon's Backbone Rice Terraces", is one of the must-see places while you travel in Guilin. The Longji Terraces Scenic Area is located in Longsheng County,north 95 km away from downtown Guilin.Longji Terraces Scenic Area has a subtropical monsoon climate and the annual average temperature is 18.1℃ . The moderate rainfall makes the climate very favorable. It is neither cold in winter nor hot in summer, thus all the seasons are the golden season for travel. 

Longji Terraces in Winter (Dec-Feb)

In Autumn, rices have been harvest.Snowy days in winter from middle Dec. To the next Feb, there will snow for one or twice in a year. The terraces have special scenery when covered with snow.Coming into winter,the terraces are filled with water before the next planting season.In winter, it is often snowy or frozen, the terraces are covered by white crystal. During this season,the whole mountain in Longji Area will be covered with white snow, just like dragons playing with water.Even though you come in inwter, you can see great scenery.

Longji Terraces in Spring (Mar-May)

After Qingming Festival ( 5th April ) , local peasants gegin their work to fill water into the terraced fields.When the rice are just transplanted, the terraces are filled with water, the scenery is very beautiful.If you come here in May and June, you can see local villagers planting rices or beautiful landscape of the terraces with white-water. In spring, the water is irrigated into the fields and they look like great chains or ribbons hung on the hillsides. 


Longji Terraces in Spring( Jun-Aug)

When the onset of summer, green waves rush continuously down the mountainside from the heaven. From mddle July, the rice just grows up and fields are so green. During summer, the weather here is not hot, it is very cool. Visitors can stay here for spending their summer holiday.And the terraces are getting more and more green. 

Longji Terraces in Autumn(Sep-Nov)

Before or after Mid-Autumn Day: the whole area is golden. The theme of autumn,whch is usually in late Sep, is the harvest season, with the mountainside decorated with the gold of ripened millet.In October, harvest is over. The winter scenery will come after November.

Trave Tips

1. Since all of Longji Scenic Area is located on a high mountain area at an average altitude of 350-850-meters, there is a distinct difference of the temperature between day and night. Therefore, tourists are reminded to bring the warm clothes.

2. To be mentioned in particular, the mild climate of the four seasons in Longsheng makes the viewing of the Dragon's Backbone Rice Terraces charming all the year round. The scenery on fine days and rainy days have different lingering impressions: under sunshine all the rice terraces shimmer; however, in rainy weather they glisten. 

Longji Terraces Scenic Aare is a beautiful natural picture. The linked together rice terraces vary from season to season.Come here to feel it, see it!

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