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Flying Tigers Memorial Hall

The Flying Tigers Memorial Hall  and Memorial Hall of Accepting Japanese Surrender after the Anti-Japanese Waris are located at Qiliqiao in the eastern Zhijing County of Huaihua City.

Memorial Hall of Accepting Japanese Surrender
Memorial Hall of Accepting Japanese Surrender after the Anti-Japanese War is located at Qiliqiao in the eastern suburbs of Zhijiang County,Hunan Province's Huaihua City. It is composed of a memorial archway, the Chinese-American Air Force Club, an exhibition hall in memory of the victory over Japan and memorial stone inscriptions. This is the only group of buildings in memory of China to accept Japan's surrender.

About 3.5 km out of the county to the west lies a stone bridge called the Qili Bridge, which means "3.5 km". A deep carving on the stone tablet at the head of the bridge reads "the place of the Japanese military surrender".A tall memorial archway across the bridge is known as "China's archway of triumph". The Zhijiang Memorial Archway for Accepting the Surrender was built in 1946 with white stones and an image of the word "xue", or "blood".About 50 meters north of the gate lies a row of black, single-storey wooden houses.That was where Japanese representatives signed the surrender document. The room has been well-preserved with everything kept in the original condition even after 70 years.

 Flying Tigers Memorial Hall
The Flying Tigers Memorial Hall is located on the east side of Lijiang Airport, 2 kilometers from the county seat. It was built to commemorate the American Air Force Flying Tigers, devastatingly attacked the Japanese Air Force and the ground forces, and made great contributions to China's victory in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and US General Chen Nader went to China to build an airport in Minjiang, Hunan, and cultivated the Air Force. He led the Flying Tigers to fight heroically in China, causing a devastating blow to the Japanese invaders, shooting down and destroying enemy planes. 2,600 aircraft made a powerful contribution to the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. We can never forget this history.

Travel Tips
Add: 2 km away from Zhijiang County Seat,Huaihua City,Hunan
Opening Hours: 08:00-18:00
Entrance ticket: CNY 60

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