Dehang Miao Village, a small village of western Hunan, 30 minutes from Jishou City by bus, made it to the list of China’s traditional villages worthy of visiting. in 2014. With over 100 families of 600 villagers, Dehang Miao Village is situated in Dehang Grand Canyon of West Hunan. Entering the village, you will find that the Miao village of Dehang seemed to be this must-go place half-way between heaven and earth. It’s very peaceful and everything looks as if it is made to have it’s photo taken. What to see in Dehang ? Dehang Grand Canyon
Dehang Grand Canyon is located in deep Wuling mountains where people of miao inhabit .Dehang, means beautiful canyon in Hmong language.Distinctively,Dehang Grand Canyon sets natural scenery and amorous feelings of Miao nationality as one.And it is honoured as the only national key scenic area to have achieved that in Hunan.The grand canyon is about 48 km long and 1.5 to 3.5 kilometers wide,with an altitude of 680 meters to 900 meters and vertical level 400 meters to 600 meters.Towering valleys, overlapping peaks, crisscrossing river, and various waterfalls .In the spring,everything wakes up.Trees are becomng green and flowers blossom. The Daily Performance The daily performances that take place in a round wooden arena at then entrance of the village are somehow interesting, they represent a commodification of ethnic groups customs. it’s great to see Miao women and men in traditional dress performing in front of an audience, but their songs and dances appeared out of context.
Miao Village of Dehang After watching the performance, we can visite the village. The concrete is being poured on the river banks so as to make some kind of boardwalk along the small stream. But the lower part has been transformed into a small open-air where locals sell trinkets and other industrially “hand-made” stuff. Development of mass-tourism and commodification of local ethnic groups’ customs are taking their toll on this small Miao village of western Hunan province in southwest China. Liusha Waterfall
It’s beautifully green in this area and there is a path you can take up alongside another waterfall that tumbles and turns through the rocks. women are washing clothes ,while their husbands are ploughing on the farmland.Birds are singing ,the cliff echoing their voice. Cattles’ bells are ringing rethmly. Chiken and ducks are paddling in the river. Sheep are eating grass happily on the hill.Everything goes in their own way leisurely. it can be high enough for outdoor paragliders to hover carefully. Low enough for a mountain bike to shuttle through the forest cheerily. Everything here will get you immersed in the arresting beautiful scenery of the grand canyon.
Travel Tips
Add: Dehang Village, Aizhai Township, Jishou City, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefect of Hunan, China Opening Time: 08:00-18:00 Visiting hours : 2-8 hours Entrance Fee: CNY 150