Black Umbrella Western Restaurant

Black Umbrella Western Restaurant, known as 黑伞私房西餐厅 (Hēi sǎn sīfáng xī cāntīng) in Chinese., is located in Beizheng Street, Yongding District of Zhangjiajie City.  Find a quiet corner, drink a cup of alcohol, freshly ground coffee, or a small sip, learn to enjoy life, buy a beautiful dress, send yourself a lipstick, give yourself some time... Love yourself, someone loves you... there is a freshly ground coffee, a secret Taiwanese braised pork rice. A delicious private steak. Authentic Thai curry rice. Signature pasta, etc.
Welcome to Black Umbrella Western Restaurant!

Travel Tips
Add: Guanmiao Lane, Beizheng Street (the alley next to Huazhilin Tea House),Yongding District,Zhangjiajie City
Tel: 15907406686
Opening Hours: 11:00-23:00
Average Cost: CNY 100

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