

Xiangtan travel guide with information on vacations, hotels, holidays, facts, history, maps, travel tips and other helpful info to plan your Xiangtan .
Panlong Grand Garden

Panlong Grand Garden

Panlong Grand Garden, covering an area of 12,000 mu (800 hectares), is a national 4A-level scenic spot which is

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Show of

Show of "China has brought forth a Mao Zedong"

" China has brought forth a Mao Zedong " is a great show performanced in Shaoshan The large-scale real performan

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Shaoshan Scenic Area

Shaoshan Scenic Area

Shaoshanis a small city in China& 39;sHunanprovince, famous for being the birthplace of dictator and Chinese icon

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Dongtai Mountain

Dongtai Mountain

Dongtai Mountain is located at the suburbs of Xiangxiang City and facing Xiangxiang downtown across the river It is also called Dongtai Mountain National Forest Park And it s the only national forest park in Xiangtan City

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Baishi Park

Baishi Park

Baishi Park is located in the heartland of the western region of the Xiangjiang River, Xiangtan City, Hunan Prov

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Xiangtan Tours

Xiangtan Tours

Xiangtan Overview

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Xaingtan Travel Tips

Xaingtan Travel Tips

Xiangtan Overview

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Xiangtan Maps

Xiangtan Maps

Nowadays tourism instead of farming has become the pillar industry of Shaoshan Currently it has seven scenic spo

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Xiangtan Travel Tips

Xiangtan Travel Tips

Travel IdeaShaoshan, a must-see place in Xiangtan City, can easily be covered in a day--in fact, the Visitor& 39;

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Xaingtan Nightlife

Xaingtan Nightlife

How about Xiangtan Nighlife? If you travel in Shaoshan, you can enjoythe show " China has brought forth a Mao Ze

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