

Xiangtan travel guide with information on vacations, hotels, holidays, facts, history, maps, travel tips and other helpful info to plan your Xiangtan .
Xiangtan Shopping

Xiangtan Shopping

Shaoshan, located in Xiangtan City, is a top destination in Hunan If you plan a trip to Xiangtan, you must vi

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Xiangtan Dining

Xiangtan Dining

The most famed Xiangtan food is taken as Mao dishes which suggest the dishes and food were what Mao Zedong pre

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Xiangtan Attractions

Xiangtan Attractions

Xiangtan City has over 80 attractions such as Shaoshan Mountain, Luban (a famed carpenter in ancient China) Palac

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Xiangtan Weather

Xiangtan Weather

Xiangtan is situated in the humid subtropical monsoon climate area Enjoying a subtropical humid monsoon climate, Xi

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Xiangxiang Confucian Temple

Xiangxiang Confucian Temple

Xiangxiang Confucian Temple is one of the oldest magnificent architecture in Xiangxiang City It was established i

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Shuifumiao Scenic Area

Shuifumiao Scenic Area

Shuifumiao Tourist Resort is honored as "Thousand Islet Lake of Hunan " which is located 30 kilometers away from

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